Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Lent and Maundy Thursday

What a lovely Maundy Thursday service. The tables in the Garden Room were set  with purple tablecloths and white washcloths, cups, and spoons that looked so welcoming.  We read  the footwashing story in John 13. We couldn’t wash our neighbor’s feet for logistical reasons, so we washed each others’ hands.  At the tables, we used thermos carafes to pour warm water on our neighbor’s hands, over large bowls.  On this cool night, it was good to feel the warm water. The water was scented with the basil we grew during Lent.  Washing one another’s hands was brief and powerful.   Here is our grace:

Holy God, these 38 days of Lent, we have spoken of growing in the spirit; we’ve nurtured seeds to remind us that we have to nurture our souls, paying attention to what feeds us, turning toward the light of Christ, taking in the living water. May the scent and flavor of the basil remind us of the joy we find in serving you; may the microgreens nourish our bodies to do your work. Bless the hands that grew, transported, and prepared all the food we are to eat tonight; we pray for the day when everyone has enough. Amen.

The microgreens we grew were garnish for our three kinds of homemade soup.  We had a real meal  together, talking and laughing and breaking a LOT of bread.  A visitor came in to join us.  We finished worship by serving one another communion and singing “No end there is! We depart in peace. He loves beyond our uttermost.” It’s easy to feel God’s love surrounded by people who welcome visitors, and work so quickly to clean up, and find joy being together.
Pastor Susan